Do you know what sick pay to expect from you’re employer if you’re off sick? Most of us don’t know, and the majority of employers pay little or no sick pay! How long could you last without your income?
Income protection is important for everyone whether you own your own home or not. Many people protect their mobile phone and other assets, but not the income that buys those things. Income protection is important for everyone and finding the right policy is even more important.
Offering a monthly benefit on being unable to work due to any illness, accident or injury, with claims coming from stress, depression, cancer and even those pesky back problems, this cover will ensure you can continue to be able to live, and your financial future isn’t affected. It can pay out almost immediately meaning you have no time without earnings and can focus on recovery. It can help with all levels of sick pay and can even offer long term cover if you can never work again. Our providers cover a number of occupations, even the ones that are a little more dangerous.
We also specialise in covering key workers such as nurses and doctors and those with unusual benefits and income.