Entries by Michaela Christian

Residential Property Review

In our latest residential property review we are looking at how the Bank Of England have reduced their rates for the first time in four years. We are also taking a look at what is to come in the Renter’s Right Bill. Click here to read more…

Economic Review

Check out our latest economic review for Ju;y 2024. We are looking at the figures released last month by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed the UK economy grew faster in May than had been predicted, while survey evidence points to a more recent post-election pick-up in business activity. Click here to read more…

Spring Budget

Spring Budget 2024 On 6 March, Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt delivered his Spring Budget to the House of Commons declaring it was “a Budget for long-term growth.” The fiscal update included a number of new policy measures, such as a widely-anticipated reduction in National Insurance, abolition of the non-dom tax status and new […]

Residential Property Review January

In the latest residential property review we are covering how the housing market is slowing but far from stopped, how landlords are still optimistic despite tougher market and much more. Supply and demand both fell in November 2022, according to the latest UK Residential Survey from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), though sales […]

Residential Property Review September

Strong monthly transactions but slowing activity ahead. Latest data from the UK housing market presents a mixed picture, with dwindling demand and limited supply contrasting markedly with strong transaction figures. Homebuyer demand remains above average, Zoopla pointed out. Yet analysts expect demand to weaken in coming months as more households feel the cost-of-living squeeze, a […]

Economic Review

Our new Economic review is now available studying the latest figures and how the cost of living standards is effecting the economy. The latest gross domestic product statistics show that the UK economy unexpectedly grew in May although forward looking indicators still point to a deteriorating outlook. Figures released last month by the Office for […]

Summer Magazine

The Power Of Purposeful Wealth Most people would agree that wealth is not about hoarding money but the financial freedom and flexibility it affords to help us achieve our passions and goals. Wealth essentially has the capacity to create a powerful purpose within our lives, provided we are able to unlock its true value. Understanding […]

May Update

Three key Queen’s Speech commitments Housing featured prominently in the Queen’s Speech on 10 May, with social housing, rental reform and leasehold reform all part of the government’s priorities in the coming twelve months. Of the 38 legislative announcements, there were three significant ones relating to housing; the Social Housing Regulation Bill, the Renters’ Reform […]

The M.E.C Mortgages Economic Review – Feb 2022

Our new Economic review is now available studying the figures and movements over the last few months and looking at the effect Omicron has had to the Economy. In this issue we are also looking at inflation and the current investment markets. The UK economy grew strongly in November to move beyond its pre-COVID level, […]

Autumn Budget and Spending Review

Autumn Budget and Spending Review Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, delivered his third Budget and the results of his Spending Review on 27 October, declaring that it begins “the work of preparing for a new economy post-COVID.” The Chancellor struck an upbeat tone during the key fiscal event, as he outlined his vision of […]